Wednesday, September 1, 2010

notes from the road : Charleston, SC

A month or so ago, the Blockheads made their first trip to Charleston, SC to play a couple of shows. We had an outstanding time, hung out with excellent people, and played our asses off. Here are a few photographs from our five hour GPS guided drive from Greensboro to Charleston. A big thanks to Little P's folks for loaning us the van.

Little P's friends and sister live in Charleston and were very hospitable and supportive. We were put up on Danny and Joy's boathouse right near downtown. Both Danny and Joy work at The Early Bird Diner, where we had some of the best breakfast I've ever eaten. If you're in Charleston, go eat there. You won't be disappointed. Tell 'em the Blockheads send you.

Our first show was at Kudu Coffee Shop off Market St. We played on the patio, so it was horrifyingly hot, but the staff and sound man were very nice. I guess Kudu is a new place, so go check it out if your in the neighborhood. Good coffee, good food, great beer selection.

Some people came out, we had a fun time with it, and were warmed up and ready for the big show Sunday night. Local performer Laura Jane Vincent invited us to play her farewell-I'm-moving-to-Asheville, NC-show at the Tin Roof.

LV played and sang with a LOT of other Charleston musicians. It was a good time. Despite not knowing anyone, I felt the feeling of community in the room. There was lots of food, lots of hugs, lots of I-hate-goodbyes, and some tears. And quite a few drinks.

We wholeheartedly enjoyed playing the Tin Roof. We worked the patience of the sound man a bit- what with our all acoustic line up- but he worked it out and ran all thirteen channels on the board (including his talk-back microphone). We were well received, made friends, and hung out with some folks back at Danny and Joy's ship.

We came out of it a bit tighter, and with a new song called Wicket (named after our favorite of the three cats on the boathouse) about our trip. We will be performing it for the first time at our next show this Saturday at the Flatiron (we start things off at 10pm, then The Old One-Two, then The Alcazar Hotel plays their Greensboro CD release show).

Thanks, Charleston. We'll see you soon.

Check it out- Jerrod matches the couch.

-matty sheets (words and photographs)

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